All about English
Nowadays, we need English for almost everything!
Since we are kids that language is part of our life!
When we grow up and start having girlfriend or boyfriend, pen friends or friends from other countries, English, a Universal Language gives us the opportunitytocommunicate with them even if they are from the other side of the worl...
When we go to school, we start studying this language to learn more about that! Start the college and the important works! We start reading books, English books, articles on the Internet that are, frequentlly, in English!(this happens because English, like we refered before, is a kind of Universal Language, spoken by 341,000,000 of nonnative speakers around the world!).
Around 60% of programms are written in English and 90% on the Internet are also written in English.
When we start going out, and start going to the cinema or to the disco, we see movies and English songs and we need to understand that! They're English too!
The magazines, newspapers...English things are everywhere!
When we finally are adult, to find a good job we need to know to speak English! That is part of an important step ín our curricullum Vitar!
When we are retired and finally have time to travel and join our life, we chose countries, almost everytime, tropical countries, and there they have a strange language that even if we try we can't understand them we use English because almost everybody knows it!
Now look! When we are kids even the cartoon channels are English! First reason to speak that!
Almost every "intelligent" and "necessary" books are written in English! So if you want a good career you need to study so you need that books to you need understand English! Second reason.
When you are graduated and you follow a career like scientist, politician, economist or something about tecnologies you don't go anywhere if you don't know low to speak and /or understand English! Third reason.
If we need to make international calls we need to know to speak English (one more time because is universal). Forth reason.
If you travel for a different country without you're native language, you need to speak English because everybody understand that!
Nowadays we can look at the world like a gient tribe where everybody understands each other thanks to the Universal Language-The English.
- Carina Cunha nº 4
- Cristina Costa nº 10 10ºD
- Daniel Faria nº11
- Diogo Cunha nº12
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